滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20230517 「一席一果」楊桃 裡面住著五角星的寶藏水果
Do you still remember the text “Drawing the Star Fruit” we learned in primary school? Its unique shape is really impressive. The star fruit growing on the plateau of Yunnan has enough moisture and is juicy and sweet. The fine flesh without dregs is super refreshing. Generally, we use it to make salad. We can also use its sour juice to make some delicious dishes.
0:23——摘楊桃 | Picking Star Fruit
2:20——阿豪吃楊桃 | Ahao Eating Star Fruit
2:40——楊桃乾 | Dried Star Fruit
3:32——楊桃銀耳粥 | Star Fruit Snow Fungus Soup
4:26——楊桃燜飯 | Star Fruit Braised Rice
5:50——大王吃肉 | Dawang Eating Meat
6:25——楊桃烤翅 | Star Fruit Grilled Chicken Wings
6:54——楊桃酸湯魚 | Fish in Sour Soup with Star Fruit
8:56——和家人的晚餐 | Family dinner
12:03——阿盆姐的聊天 | Apenjie's chat