Namewee 20230521 一定要看到最後! 黃明志帶你揭密最赤裸的演唱會後臺情況!【大飛機日誌】Part3

Namewee 20230521 一定要看到最後! 黃明志帶你揭密最赤裸的演唱會後臺情況!【大飛機日誌】Part3

大飛機首站-台北 “攻蛋成功”!背後發生了很多事情... 謝謝一路來陪著我們一起解決問題的伙伴們。一切盡在不言中!接下來我們繼續衝!

Finally! We held a concert at the Taipei Arena! Thank you to every front and backstage staff, singers, musicians, and dancers who participated in this concert, and to every audience who showed up. Most importantly, I would like to thank Taiwan for fulfilling my music dream...
Where will the next stop be? Stay tuned

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