滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20230726 「一席一果」雲南無花果 跨越整個春夏的甜蜜

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20230726 「一席一果」雲南無花果 跨越整個春夏的甜蜜

雲南的無花果可以從2月吃到9月,不同的山頭有不同的果子,形態各異,生長環境不一,但都很甜蜜!個頭小小的,我們叫“zha ou”也叫“野無花果”,大大的榕樹果實,我們叫“大象鼻子果”、“冰粉果”,這兩種都是野生的果子,還有就是常年可以種植的紫皮無花果,它們共同的特徵就是“甜”,是那種清爽不膩的甜~
In Yunnan, people can have figs from February to September. On different hills, there are different fruits in all shapes and sizes and in varying growing environments, but they all taste sweet. We call those small in size “zha ou”, or “wild figs”. We call the big fruit on fig trees “trunk fruit” or “ice jelly fruit”. Both are wild fruits. There are purple-skinned figs that can be grown all year round. Their common characteristic is sweetness, which is refreshing but not cloying.

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