滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20230920 能讓我凌晨4點起床的,只有上山找菌子了!

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20230920 能讓我凌晨4點起床的,只有上山找菌子了!

採菌子,光聽這個詞就已經讓人熱血沸騰了,凌晨的菌子都是剛出土的,鮮嫩美味,這一口鮮甜可是盼了一整年的……107朵牛肝菌,這一背簍的滿足 ,也是可以回味一整年的。 在雲南,判斷兩個人關係鐵不鐵,就是看她是否願意帶你去她的菌子窩,我認識的菌子窩,都在影片裡了…
Just hearing the phrase mushroom picking makes my blood boil. The mushrooms in the early hours of the morning are fresh out of the soil, tender and tasty. I've been looking forward to this mouthful of il, tender and tasty. I've been looking forward to this mouthful of fresh action yh basket containing 107 boletes can be recalled for a whole year. In Yunnan, the way to tell if two people are close to each other is whether she is willing to take you to her places where mushrooms can be found fal. be seen from the video.

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