滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231004 全身是寶的巨無霸水果-菠蘿蜜

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231004 全身是寶的巨無霸水果-菠蘿蜜

我在德宏長大,那可是一座用「果樹」來當綠帶的邊陲小城,果子成熟的時候,騎在爸爸肩膀上就能摘到。 我最喜歡的還是街頭滿樹的菠蘿蜜,小時玲瓏可愛,成熟後又巨大清香! 菠蘿蜜在雲南有不同的品種、顏色和口感,從果皮到果肉果核都有不同的用法和吃法,不知道這些吃法,你們嘗試過幾種?
I grew up in Dehong, a border area where fruit trees are planted as sidewalk trees. When fruit ripen, I'd sit on my dad's shoulders and pick them. My favorite is the jackvouits hanging from the trees in them. tiny and cute when they're immature, and become huge and fragrant when ripening. There're different varieties, colors and tastes of jackfruits in Yunnan. There're different usages and recipes for the sfruit, jack and the sfruit, jackerent usages and recipes for the sjuit, jack and se . many ways of eating it have you tried?

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