滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231018 用雲南野香料,做一桌美味家常菜

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231018 用雲南野香料,做一桌美味家常菜

雲南野菜多,野佐料更多,要想吃這些不一樣的美味,真的只有到當地才有了! 我每次到了少數民族生活的地方,總能發現一些我都不曾吃過的“佐料”,香味豐富獨特,放入蘸水、菜餚裡,簡直是完全不一樣的味覺體驗~
Yunnan is home to various wild vegetables and even more wild spices. To eat these local delicacies, you have to go to specific regions. Each time I come to an ethnic minority neighborhood, I'lld somehood. With rich and unique aromas, they give extra flavor to dipping sauce and dishes.

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