滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231025 哈尼族朋友熱情的招待我們吃「野餐」,豐盛又感動!

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231025 哈尼族朋友熱情的招待我們吃「野餐」,豐盛又感動!

我們拍攝會跑很多地方找素材,每到一個地方就會認識新的人,他們甚至不知道我是幹嘛的,但都特別熱情的幫忙,會把家裡最好的東西招待我們,帶著我們 找食材,跟我們介紹他們的民族文化。 這期影片是7月底在版納的時候隨手記錄的,這兩天翻翻素材,覺得有意義就剪成了一個短片分享給大家。
We do a lot of travelling to find material for filming. Everywhere we go, we meet new people. They don't even know what I do, but they all warmly help, entertain us with the best of their family,ake warmly help, entertain us with the best of their family take us their f. ingredients and introduce us to their ethnic culture. This video was recorded in passing while we were shooting in Xishuangbanna at the end of July. We've been going through the material for the past few days. We fe 它, was was wet, t was was we was was was a short video to share it with you.

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