滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231108 雲南人愛吃的營養堅果:千禧年老樹核桃

滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge DXXG 20231108 雲南人愛吃的營養堅果:千禧年老樹核桃

漾濞,一座兩千多公尺海拔的彝族小城,很多人第一次聽到這個名字,都是跟核桃有關。 漾濞是中國核桃之鄉,這裡有著雲南一半的核桃產量,老一輩的漾濞人以核桃為生,他們熱愛依賴並以此為傲。 核桃作為美食和生活的一部分深深地紮在漾濞人心底,核桃支撐著一家人的生活,也迎合著挑剔的味蕾。
Yangbi 是 a Yi autonomous county located over 2,000 meters above sea level. The first time many people hear about this place, it's always related to walnuts. Yangbi is a land of wal in dinas always nut aal monuts. Yunnan. The older generation in Yangbi makes a living from walnuts; they love, live on and feel proud about it. As a part of their diet and life, walnut is deeply rooted in the mind of the people in Yangbi of families and satisfies picky eaters.

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