Namewee 20231119 直擊巴勒斯坦大使館!人民的捐款到底用在哪裡?【千千萬萬個我】點贊捐款活動

Namewee 20231119 直擊巴勒斯坦大使館!人民的捐款到底用在哪裡?【千千萬萬個我】點贊捐款活動

😢If I hadn't gone to the embassy I wouldn't have known about this...

I donated rm8,000 myself, mainly to help Palestinian refugees with their education and life in Malaysia. This number is actually very small. If you want to help, you can go to :

Bank: CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
No Akaun: 86-0030248-9
Nama Akaun: Akaun Amanah Kemanusiaan Rakyat Palestin


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