Namewee 20240529 害兄弟反目成仇! 校花綠茶有多恐怖? 黃明志和高進隔空創作把你帶回高中時光…【寫一首歌給你聽】MV製作花絮

Namewee 20240529 害兄弟反目成仇! 校花綠茶有多恐怖? 黃明志和高進隔空創作把你帶回高中時光…【寫一首歌給你聽】MV製作花絮

感謝每一位喜歡這首歌的朋友!這首歌曲及MV的製作過程其實非常艱難!謝謝和我合唱的 #高進 ,還有謝謝在吉隆坡和北京幫我完成歌曲製作和MV製作的每一位工作人員和伙伴們!

We spent nearly half a year preparing this music video, with the most challenging parts being the search for suitable actors /actress and finding the right school for filming. After much effort, we managed to shoot at #Bossku 's high school St. John's Institution 😁

For the actors, we scoured various social media platforms to find those who perfectly fit the roles in our script. Fortunately, we finally met the three of them #ticklim #robinlim @robinlim3939 #cherrycheng. I am very satisfied with the final result of the MV. I also believe that they will be the best new actors in the future. Please support them!


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