Namewee 20240609 黃明志受邀蒙古演講!時隔20年重遊“傷心地”太扎心... 【黃明志重返外蒙古Vlog】Part 1
I finally DARE to return to Mongolia again after 20 years... I just found out that I haven't forgotten how to speak Mongolian...👋
This is actually my very first English speech👀. Many things happened there and we met many special people & Cute girls❤️, We also ate a lot of special food that Malaysians could not accept..🤢 This is a our 7-day trip vlog in Mongolia, We hope you enjoy it!Баярлалаа!
這次蒙古觀光局和 @nassummit 邀請了世界各國的KOL到蒙古去演講,我是以台灣代表的身份受邀出席的。三個臭男人出門就是會發生很多鳥事,但無論如何我還是戰勝了心魔,在20年後再度重返蒙古!至於我們在那裡發生了什麼事?靜靜自己看就好,不要說出去...